04 - Office WIFI

How can I use Office WIFI?
​IMAGINEX_internal   This is for notebook or iPad users who need to access internal network for files and systems. For Window’s platform, you can simply ...
Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 16:05
Can my guest use Office WIFI?
IMAGINEX_guest  This is for visitors to have internet access temporary. When you select this SSID, your browser will be redirected to a self-registratio...
Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 16:06
Is there any time limit in the wifi session?​
For Guest WIFI, the connectivity will last for 12 hours only. We will also keep some spare password tokens in the reception area in case the guest has issue...
Fri, 23 Aug, 2019 16:23
CN - 如何连接办公室WIFI?
IMAGINEX_internal & WBG_WIFI 这适用与针对需要访问公司内部网络以获取共享文件内容的笔记本,台式机或iPad用户。对于windows平台,您可以在设备上使用域帐户登录后选择对应访问目录。对于Mac或iOS设备,您可以使用域帐户登录进行身份验证。   IMAG...
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 10:53
CN - 如何连接办公室Guest WIFI?
IMAGINEX_guest  此网络是为访客提供的临时上网服务。对于Windows或MAC设备,当您选择此SSID时,输入密码“IMXimxGreat@@2024##!a”即可连接。对于移端设备,可扫描会议室或前台桌面上立牌中QR码进行WIFI连接。
Mon, 29 Apr, 2024 10:54